How we are financed
Factchequeado's funding policy guarantees our independence, editorial autonomy and quality of our content.
Our funds from donations are diversified and we generate our own income
Our diversification strategy ensures our sustainability and independence when balancing our funding sources:
Philanthropic institutions
Universities, civil society organizations and research centers
Institutions of international cooperation: philanthropic institutions
Individual donors
We also receive funds from Chequeado and, the two co-founders of Factchequeado, and we generate our own income with activities like media literacy workshops, events about public discourse verification and reports on disinformation trends.
We are supported by companies and institutions committed to Latino communities
In only two years, we have gathered the support of over 18 companies and institutions that are outstanding references in promoting democracy in the United States, and see Factchequeado as a unique proposal to collaboratively tackle disinformation in Spanish that affects Latino communities.