Factchequeado announces a collaboration with Factiverse to leverage cutting-edge technology in the fight against mis -and disinformation.


Innovation is one of Factchequeado’s core pillars, and in line with this commitment, we’ve entered into a collaborative partnership with Factiverse, a Norwegian company that trusts us to test their real-time fact-checking AI tool. This experimental tool is used in debates and other internal assignments since the tool it’s not available to the public yet.  This collaboration provides Factchequeado with exclusive, free access to Factiverse’s real-time transcription and claim detection service for six months, allowing them to enhance their live fact-checking capabilities with our valuable feedback.

Factiverse’s tool  verifies statements by instantly searching the web for supporting or refuting references, offering a credibility score and a summary of findings—all within seconds.

We surely think this joint effort will benefit not only our fact-checkers, but also journalists and fact-checkers worldwide, helping to tackle mis- and disinformation more effectively. 

“We’re excited to work with Factiverse to streamline our fact-checking process during such a pivotal moment in U.S. politics. This partnership underscores Factchequeado's commitment to leveraging technology to empower Latino communities and bridge the information gap that leaves them vulnerable to mis- and disinformation”, said Ana María Carrano, editor chief de Factchequeado.

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