#FactChallenge: Media Literacy Course on WhatsApp Leading up to the 2024 Elections

Presented by Factchequeado with support from PEN America. Empowering Latino and Spanish-Speaking Communities

Factchequeado launches #FactChallenge, the first WhatsApp Media Literacy Course in Spanish, specially designed for Latino and Spanish-speaking communities in the United States. With support from PEN America, a nonprofit organization committed to protecting freedom of expression, we have developed and are offering a 7-day course on WhatsApp free of cost. This course is designed to familiarize our audiences with fundamental media literacy concepts and help them better navigate misinformation leading up to the presidential elections on November 5, 2024.

Familiarize Latino and Spanish-speaking audiences with fundamental media literacy concepts 

The main goal of this project is to familiarize Latino and Spanish-speaking audiences with fundamental media literacy concepts, such as identifying misinformation, differentiating  between facts and opinions, understanding confirmation and familiarity biases, recognizing manipulated images, and the role of artificial intelligence,  among others.

“We believe that by equipping our communities with these skills, we can strengthen their resilience against misinformation and foster critical thinking and greater discernment in consuming information and social media content,” said Laura Zommer, Factchequeado’s CEO and co-founder.

Lessons designed to facilitate learning and active participation by users 

The Media Literacy Course is conducted  on WhatsApp over 7 days, with short lessons designed to facilitate learning and active participation by users. Each day, participants receive educational content and interactive challenges to test their understanding and skills in detecting misinformation.

You can find the course on our WhatsApp chatbot 

You can find the course on our WhatsApp chatbot  as a menu option: (646) 873-6087.


Who can participate

The course is aimed at Hispanic and Latino communities in the United States, with the goal of empowering them to identify and combat online misinformation.

How it works

The course free of charge, consists of daily challenges sent through WhatsApp, where participants learn  why misinformation is so prevalent on social media and how to protect themselves. Fact-friends test their knowledge with interactive questions and practical exercises.

We provide the necessary skills so that, by the end  of the course, participants can discern between true and false information, better equipping  them against misinformation when navigating online.

Join the #factchallenge by Factchequeado on WhatsApp and complete 7 challenges designed to make you an expert in detecting misinformation!

Factchequeado is a fact-checking platform building a community Spanish-speaking partners to counter mis- and disinformation in Spanish in the United States. Do you want to join us? Verify the content you receive by sending it to our WhatsApp +1 (646) 873 60 87 or to

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