Factchequeado Receives Support from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to Boost Latino Electoral Participation with "Electopedia"


Factchequeado has been awarded a $30,000 grant from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation through the International Center for Journalists' Disarming Disinformation Program (ICFJ) to develop "Electopedia," a Spanish-language platform designed to empower Latino voters ahead of the 2024 U.S. presidential elections.

Different investigations in fact-checking show us daily that Latino communities consuming news and social media in Spanish face significant information gaps. This lack of reliable information makes them more susceptible to disinformation campaigns. That's why it's crucial to develop inoculation and pre-bunking strategies based on the types of electoral disinformation we've already seen in past elections.

“Factors such as information consumption habits focused on platforms like WhatsApp, the scarcity of trustworthy information in certain regions of the country, the insufficient number of fact-checking efforts in Spanish, and big tech companies’ low prioritization of flagging false Spanish content all contribute to this vulnerability”, said Laura Zommer, CEO of Factchequeado. This situation presents a significant challenge to the integrity of U.S. democracy, especially with the growing number of eligible Latino voters.

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